Fact of the matter is 28 republicants sided with demoncrats to hike up our debt limit giving the imperial emperor a blank check. There was no attempt to stop spending or borrowing. I don’t care what their excuses are they swore up and down months ago they would hold the line on the debt ceiling and look what they just did! Mark Levin is right Boehner, Cantor and McCarthy are the 3 stooges! Levin runs through the list of reputes pointing out committee heads that voted against we the people which will put us further into debt. Quite frankly kids I’m not gonna sugar coat it, there is NO WAY for us to get out from this debt…
There is not enough money in the world (including every nickel and penny in some kids piggy bank) to cover the US debt let alone other nations debt. What do we do? I couldn’t tell you other than there are many who believe we are in a planned controlled collapse where the powers that be (not necessarily Congress and political elite) will seek a reset by their own rules with a new universal one denomination monetary system. Watch what those with money are doing; buying land, natural resources, gold, things of value vs sitting on a pile of cash which will be useless.