As expected the imperial emperor dodged O’Reilly on giving straight answers. Bill O’Reilly did what he could in the time allotted to get straight answers but one of the reasons why it is short interview is so his majesty can’t get hammered as bad as someone like O’Reilly would like to. The time constraints force him to move on to the next question. As a matter of fact Bill gave a low blow or two by saying you just don’t want to answer, the tension of course increased! You know the emperor is a master of running the clock down. If given the opportunity he could spend an hour on simple yes or no question!
So O’Reilly was able to ask 5 questions in 10 minutes:
Obamacare website failure: claims they anticipated problems, didn’t know it would be as bad as it is. Obama claims website is fixed, bragged about the number of people signed up…
Holding Sebelius responsible and firing her – obama filibustered on sign ups, making the system work and improve, promises they hold everyone accountable…
Was “keep your doctor & plan” biggest mistake – he regrets, shifted blame to the grandfather clause to allow people to keep their doctors & plans…
Benghazi, Libya being a terror attack or not – filibustered on what he was told by Panetta, says he made it clear on 9/12 it was a terror attack. Blames attack on everyone from trouble makers, ideological agenda, militants and terrorists…
Why IRS Chief Doug Shulman had 157 visits – says the visits were routine to set up & financial reforms, he didn’t meet with Shulman, claims Shulman/ IRS didn’t have any role targeting conservatives.. “no mass corruption, not even smidgen”
Viewer question on why obama wants fundamental transformation – denied saying his plan is to fundamentally transform America! REALLY!? He couldn’t have made it any clearer than this…
Obama argued wants to make fair playing field for everyone to get ahead as he and O’Reilly had through eduction, income, financial aid etc