Dennis Miller on Global Warming Activism: ‘Our Leaders Are Idiots’, Barbara Boxer ‘Is an Idiot. She Is Bat Guano Crazy’

Tell us how you really feel about BABS Boxer Dennis! Boxer and the rest of the closet communists language is fascist in nature on the climate change/ global warming hoax. The debate is not over, the science is not conclusive but if you argue them they will do everything in their power to have you silenced and labeled a blasphemer!

How many temperature records have been broken that are 100++ years old? A lot were broken this past winter season and same goes for the summer. Here’s the thing what was happening in the world back in the late 1800’s when the world population was significantly lower; approx 987M – 1.2B? Carbon emissions 100+ years ago was infinitesimal compared to today even during the industrial revolution. Oh and all the CO2 changers are whining about is part of the life cycle any high school biology student could explain in their sleep! The temperature hasn’t changed in 15 years and back in the 70’s they were warming about another ice age!

Point is Boxer and her lackeys pushing climate change don’t believe in the crap they are pushing. They are looking for money from billionaire, Tom Steyer, and all the lobbyists connected with the global warming scam. Why don’t they want to debate anyone? Because they know their “science” is flawed based on skewed data and research. These monsters are just looking for their pay-day like most changers. Follow these people around and watch how they live I guarantee the drive gas guzzlers, live in lavish homes using a ton of electricity etc etc.