Gov Rick Perry Rocks CPAC 2014: Time For a Little Rebellion on the Battlefield of Ideas (Full Speech)

I liked Perry in 2012 but he was just off especially after his infamous “oops” moment. If he can keep it together with what he has done with Texas in growing its economy, keeping unemployment low, keeping spending under control, no income taxes, pro-gun heck pro-Constitution he could make a good President. Some will say he doesn’t have enough experience (even being governor of TX) well lack of experience didn’t stop obama now did it! What we need is someone to rattle the cages of the establishment GOP because the idea of another Bush running or Chris Christie will definitely spell disaster for republicans in the 2016 election and the nation!

NY and CA are the epitome of how badly the liberal agenda has failed with people leaving in droves. Both states are taxing and spending themselves into total self-destruction just like what progressives did to Detroit. Both states are the blueprints, lab experiments to apply what failed in Detroit and what they plan to do to the entire nation. We cannot survive under these types of liberal policies. (FYI I’m trapped in CA so if anyone wants to help a brother out in a free state like Texas drop me line!)

We need a change that’s for sure and I’m quite prepared to support leaders who are true mavericks (NOT like McCain) but guys ready to do things out of box who wants to bring this nation back down to reality.