“1) Hijack is no longer a theory, it is being looked upon as a conclusive event. According to Associated Press one of the investigators has confirmed that the MH370 was indeed hijacked. This is based on the fact that the plane few on for four hours in the opposite direction.”~FirstPost
I have remained silent on this story waiting for more news to hit. Now that officials are saying the change in course, the shutting down of the transponder & communication systems were deliberate that the plane was in fact hijacked flying for over 7 hours from its last known communication I felt it was time for me to chime in.
Honestly, (people won’t like this) I was hoping, and a piece of me is still hoping, the search teams find wreckage in the Indian Ocean where the plane met the same brave fate that Flt 93 from 9/11 met when passengers thwarted the hijacking. If MH370 headed toward the other corridor for North Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan and parts unknown then we all need to be concerned.

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Why? IMO since anything is possible at this point this hijacked plane was taken to a remote location where the passengers are either alive to be held for ransom or were disposed of… Some experts suggest when the plane went through some strange maneuvers and a drop in altitude the cabin pressure could have dropped quickly knocking people out. They then suggest when cabin pressure drops at a rapid rate there would be a lack of oxygen where passengers would normally reach for their oxygen masks but since they would be unconscious that wouldn’t happen and the passengers would have died from asphyxiation. Again saying something folks don’t want to hear but I hope that is what happened. I say this because I have seen what terrorists do to their prisoners which is beyond brutal and inhuman.
Ok so now for the big concern, if this plane is in fact on some remote airstrip in the possession of terrorists I have no doubt it is being weaponized. The flight crew proved they could fly a plane undetected for 7 hours. Imagine how far they can get with a plane loaded with explosives and additional fuel tanks!
So yes I am saying this plane could very well be repainted, fitted with additional fuel tanks, armed with heavy explosives possibly nuclear(!low yield or EMP!) and flown undetected for a long period of time to any target around the world. Remember a missile was launched off the coast of California two years ago in which we have never been given a straight answer on! I know, I know this is full-blown tinfoil hat stuff right now but who is to say this plane won’t be armed with explosives or a nuke flown fast and low until it gets close enough to the US or an ally where the bomb is set off; either ground level with a conventional bomb or low yield nuke or the plane rapidly climbs to set off an EMP in the atmosphere which would shutdown the power grid??
What do I mean by low yield? Think the nuke attack in the movie The Sum of All Fears. Such a bomb could do plenty of damage killing 10’s of thousands. The EMP scenario is highly possible. Again think back to the missile fired off the coast of CA, no one knew what was going on. Replace the missile with a fast flying passenger jet that only shows up on radar when it starts its climb. Alert Air Force/ Navy fighters would not be able to reach it in time. I don’t think the EMP would be powerful enough to knock out the entire power grid for the US or other ally nations but it could knockout a large enough area causing outright chaos!
So now things get ratcheted up and folks should be concerned. Hopefully I am so off and dead wrong on all of this. If I’m not I hope nations are preparing for worst case scenario making sure combat aircraft, surface to air defenses and ships are deployed to stop the plane.