Obama Asks Putin to Remove Troops From Ukrainian Border

OMG can this guy shut up at this point. This is just another sign of American weakness under president crybaby who thinks his pleas for diplomacy he “mastered” as a community organizer will work with a former KGB thug. Ya know what this really is? President crybaby is getting a dose of his own medicine!

Through his radical connections, community organizing, thug unions etc obama has bullied people, organizations heck the nation and now he is being put in his place by someone bigger than him! Thats what this is, the schoolyard bully just met his match and he is now trying to talk things out with someone who couldn’t careless what he has to say.

I said it from the beginning I’ll say it again Putin isn’t going to stop because he knows there is NO ONE in the world with the balls to stop him! He called the US’s bluff, obama blinked and when the time is right Putin will take eastern Ukraine! Obama has destroyed all American influence and show of power on the global scale. He is succeeding in fundamental transformation turning the US into a WEAK third world Banana Republic ceding superpower status to communist states.

All of you who voted for him you did this! The blood that will be spilled is stained on your hands forever.