3 Examples Why Jeb Bush is Bad for America

First off let me say Fox has done a major shift in the last few months after a noticeable shift last year following the 2012 election. If they weren’t already they are completely in bed now with the establishment GOP, the love fest with Chris Christie and the Bush family is way over the top now when Karl Rove isn’t on almost 24/7. So here we have a perfect example of that love fest putting light on Jeb Bush. IMO Jeb Bush could very well be the establishment GOP’s next choice to run for POTUS in 2016 if it isn’t Chris Christie.

When you watch these three vids do you see/ hear a conservative talking or a democrat? Bush is a “republican” but he is not a conservative republican. Jeb like the majority infesting the republican party is a big government progressive! Being in favor of amnesty, Common Core and saying Christie is the “real deal” is something you can hear on any of the obamastream media networks.

Jeb saying those who come to this country illegally is “an act of love” is genius from a progressive standpoint because it justifies by humanizing crimes being committed against every single American. In a way he dismisses the illegal act not to mention the outright theft committed by illegals in the US that tap into the social entitlement system built for CITIZENS who are having tough times being down and out.

Common Core is not a federal requirement YET but it will and we are seeing hints of what is to come down the road. Schools who will jump on board this program will have access to federal funds before those who are not! Remember everything always starts out small, spreads like a virus until the govt makes it official. You have seen the reports and stories of how confusing and misinforming the Common Core curriculum is. You have seen the crazy math problems that take a simple 2-3 step problem and turn it into confusing messes engineers can’t make heads or tails of. I’m no expert on it but I have heard enough to know Common Core’s only longterm success will be to create an entire generation of people incapable of figuring anything out who will look to govt for solutions.

Jeb claims Chris Christie is the real deal… real deal of what? Christie isn’t a conservative he never was. Ask yourself how many conservatives are pro- climate change, gun control and amnesty? I can’t name any, but Chris Christie is in favor of all of them and I can list a ton of dems/ liberals/ progressives who are in favor of all of these and many more policies true conservatives are against. I’ll admit I fell for the one-liners and his putting liberals in their place but that is all he is good for. New Jersey isn’t doing too hot financially the people there pay some of the highest property taxes in the entire country. Conservative New Jersey did one hell of a job breaking down the Chris Christie Myth, it’s worth the time!

These are just a few examples, there is plenty more but if the establishment GOP pushes Jeb Bush for 2016 the republican party will be officially dead. I know they’re already dead in many peoples eyes but this will be the final nail in the coffin. He will lose to Hillary because many people like yours truly, who has been vehemently against, will be campaigning for a third party. If conservatives cannot retake the republican party from the progressives this coming midterm election it will be an indicator of what 2016 will look like and the republican party will go the way of the Whig Party.