Well here we have another hospital having to cut back because of barackobamacare. So not only are people losing jobs, hours and pay being cut but with those cuts it also means the level of care will be effected (because of reduced staff); this is the byproduct of the obaminable law. You don’t hear too much about the damage obamacare is doing because these cuts are now the new norm in America. Ted Cruz tried to warn the entire nation this would happen back in Sept/ Oct ’13 but no one would listen when he called to have barackobamacare defunded. Instead the nation listened to the very people responsible for creating this law (dems who voted for it & repubs who promised to stop it but do nothing = progressives) who caused the government shutdown shifting attention away from the real issue of how destructive obamacare would be/ is.
How’s that working out for you America? How many of you will go into primary elections and vote for the incumbent? Folks better get out of whatever this funk is you are in because another massive bill (illegal alien amnesty) is about to be rammed through that will be more destructive than obamacare.