Rush: The Unspoken Aspect of Amnesty

Get ready folks the GOP is going to screw us this summer pushing amnesty. They think for some unknown reason they will lock up enough hispanic votes. All they are going to do is hand all the elections over to the dems who pander to them with free stuff as Rush explains. Amnesty will result in one party rule if it is not stopped in its tracks.

The dopes in the GOP didn’t learn their lesson after Reagan got duped into passing amnesty back in ’86. They never got the votes they thought they would get then why they think it will be any different this time around is insane. But what is even more insane is how both parties care more about getting the hispanic vote to stay in power. Both faces of the progressive beast have made it clear they do not care about the American people. They are putting illegals ahead of Americans especially the 100 million Americans out of work!

Our economy is flatlining, record numbers unemployed, in poverty etc and all DC cares about is getting that hispanic vote! There are only a few primaries left pls go vote for the challenger and lets retire these incumbents.