Pelosi: Obamacare is “Beautiful” and “Well”

The website still does not work correctly after what 8 mos being live and 4 years development! This comment was just the tip of the iceberg Pelozei went into full crazy mode first claiming the republicans are anti-governance, anti-science and anti-obama “they’re a triple threat”. The monster insisted during the interview to call obamacare the affordable care act stressing how affordable it is… uh huh tell that to the people paying double and triple in premiums and deductibles. Pelosi also thinks demoncrats will run on obamacare instead of hiding from it!

Please do, please all you democrats out there please run on this destructive law. With the VA imploding everyone is now getting a clear picture of what obamacare will look like when it is fully implemented and all the delays expire.

This woman is not only delusional, mentally ill but quite dangerous. Listening to her spew lies smearing anyone in opposition shows she and the progressives will do whatever it takes to destroy this country in order to rebuild it under their communists utopian nightmare WHICH HAS NEVER WORKED!