Is there a special school or class all these SOB’s go to learn how to be the biggest POS’s known to mankind? Bush and neocons are to blame for the rise of ISIS huh Ma’am? LOL! Babs doesn’t even know what a neocon is yet there she goes like a good little soldier pushing lies.
Why stop at blaming Bush? Why don’t dems just go blame Bush Sr, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Eisenhower heck blame George Washington! This blaming other administrations for obama being a complete and utter failure is childish. Furthermore if you’re going to blame potus you might as well blame Congress that serves under that potus. So the Founders might as well be blamed too, and when you think about that it makes sense because the dems HATE everything about this country! They clearly hate the Constitution which is at the core of all of their complaints so it’s the Founders fault too! Iraq is falling and ISIS is on the rise because this administration is an islamic radical sympathizer. No? Explain why the Muslim Brotherhood has been welcome into the WH with open arms and why CAIR has had so much influence on the govt that actual training manuals have been changed removing “islamic radicals” / “islamic extremists” from the text?!
Neocon for the record is one who was a former democrat or former communist sympathizer that woke up, became a moderate democrat who even adopted conservative values. Some converts moved so far to the right they became republicans and/or Reagan Republicans. These people called themselves neo-conservatives. Babs and the rest of the fools in the democratic party want you to think neocons of today are ultra conservatives warmongers composed of people like Cruz, Lee and Paul when in reality neocons are guys like McCain, Graham and their ilk!
Enough of the name calling though and everyone’s definition of what one is. Fact is we have two types of people in the US. Those who believe in freedom and those who believe in big government, where the big government people, R’s & D’s, are always attacking those who want freedom. Haven’t you noticed how many on the “right” like McCain, McConnell, Peter King etc attack those who defend our freedom? They spew the same propaganda & rhetoric their leftist progressive friends like Babs Boxer throw out daily!