Dem Sen Boxer Blames Bush For the Rise of ISIS and the Current Mess in Iraq
Is there a special school or class all these SOB’s go to learn how to be the biggest POS’s known to mankind? Bush and neocons are to blame for the rise of ISIS huh Ma’am?…
Is there a special school or class all these SOB’s go to learn how to be the biggest POS’s known to mankind? Bush and neocons are to blame for the rise of ISIS huh Ma’am?…
Boxer is an idiot who has no clue what the Hobby Lobby case is about. The comparison between Viagra and abortion pills are absurd; it epitomizes “apples to oranges” comparison! Viagra is a drug for…
The witch loves to lie. Cutting wasteful spending will not cause unemployment. The progressives like Boxer have started a new wave of class warfare attacks on anyone who goes against extending UE benefits. Extending benefits…
Raising the debt ceiling is like asking your credit card company for an increase on your credit line. Here is the problem: your card(s) are maxed out and you will only ever be able to…
Yea Babs that’s it, that’s what the GOP did they bash people’s heads in with a stone on a bright and sunny day over the debt fight! Curious you witch what about the 14 bills…
The only disgrace we the people see are all the progressive destroyers in DC who want to see another war started. Demoncrats will fall on their swords defending the boy king. Not one demoncrat has…
Bodies weren’t even cold or in the ground yet and the progressives are starting up again on gun control. Here’s a thought gun grabbers how come you never talk about all the good a gun…
All that was missing from this lunatics rant was “its Bush’s fault”! These evil demoncrats always point the finger of blame at someone else never taking any responsibility. Babs can blame everyone she wants about…
I’m getting tired of these progressive destroyers speaking on behalf of what the American people want. So is “fringe” the new go to word for all prog monsters when speaking in public when referring to…
Where was this batshit loon in 2008 when the Black Panthers were intimidating people? All you CA voters who keep re-electing this certified destroyer of the Republic are a__holes! Oh and nice job Ed you…