It’s Saturday and that means another weekly propaganda speech!
The US economy is not doing better, GDP is down 2.9% the worst in 5 years, the 9.4 million jobs “created” is a fraction of what is needed and nothing to be bragging about when you have 100 million Americans out of work!
The imperial emperor once again continues this lie that the republicans in Congress are blocking his efforts. If one has no clue about how government works then this blanket statement is strong. Here’s the problem he said Congress not the House of Representatives. The blanket statement would have you believe republicans control Congress, composed of the House and Senate. Fact is republicans control only 1/2 of 1/3 of the US government! Democrats aka socialists control the White House and Senate, but he doesn’t want the uninformed voters knowing that. He doesn’t want people to know his political bodyguard Harry Reid has brought the nation to a standstill never bringing economic bills to stimulate growth passed in the House for a vote in the Senate. By doing this Reid and obama create the illusion the republicans are obstructionists!
The emperor doesn’t understand basic Business/ Economics 101 as he attacks the minimum wage issue. If you raise wages you must raise prices. That is the situation the majority of business are under now during this stealth depression. They have already cut other expenses keeping their overhead at a minimum. If they are forced to raise wages they will have to raise their prices, in order to be able to afford paying the higher wage, in a down economy. If obama ever ran a business or held a real job he would know this, as would his advisers, but you see they are all academics they know only theories.
Obama now wants to bail out the trillion+ in student loans that we cannot afford. Its progressives fault so many go to college earn degrees that are useless while stacking up massive debt! They keep telling people to go to college for that higher education to get that high level job but the high level jobs do not exist! Many of these colleges and universities are sitting on mountains of money while they charge high tuitions putting people in $50-100++K in debt for what, a job making $40K/ year (if they are lucky to find a job paying that)?! Since he loves to attack the greedy corporations why doesn’t he attack these colleges and universities financially RAPING students? These institutions are no different from those greedy 1%’s attacked on Wall Street!
As for not extending unemployment benefits this is pure insanity and putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. It is because of his socialist/ communist economic policies there are no jobs available for the millions of Americans out of work seeking unemployment benefits. He wants to extend UE benefits to over 2 years! How does that help this country promoting economic policies that have kept Americans out of work for 2-7 years! (FYI yours truly is long-term unemployed (college educated, possess YEARS of legitimate experience) completely written off and forgotten but has NEVER taken one cent from govt!)
This class warfare he invokes is by his own design. Obama and all his cronies are the wealthiest in the US! To make matters worse he has made it clear he will continue violating the law, taking matters into his own hands. The fact that the Supreme Court has unanimously ruled against him for the 13th time and the Speaker of the House is suing him over his power grabs do not phase this communist occupying the people’s House.
This man is completely out of control, he is driving this country into the ground and NO ONE in DC or the MILITARY is doing anything to stop him! Stay silent and asleep people while your Republic is leveled as obama fulfills his promise of fundamental transformation.