What you have here folks is, as suggested, a dry run by future US illegal aliens testing the Border Patrol. This angry mob (Mexicans and most likely OTM’s) and whoever organized this raid (well dressed man?) is probing for weaknesses and areas of opportunity for a larger raid IMO. These rioters were most likely testing response time, tactics and force of the Border Patrol. Take note this story is from Nov 2013 but updated Jul 15 2014 so there must be correlation between when it was first reported to what is happening now! Very important to point out agent Vasquez states these invaders were well-organized “combative, throwing rocks and bottles, and flashing gang signs and threatening agents.” We should expect to see/ hear similar stories from other locations along the border. Vasquez suggests this may be used as propaganda, but if you are a betting man/ woman, you might want to put money on this being a training video! Granted the rush on the border has been peaceful to date, but surely this was a test on our border for something else that is coming??
All of you in the MSM and on the left tell us again how safe these people are, that they are just refugees and pose no threat to Americans. These invaders are a snapshot of the majority of illegals coming across into the US everyday who ARE NOT apprehended by the Border Patrol!
Are you paying attention America? Do you see your nation under invasion or are you too busy with the ball game, what the Kardashians are up to or “too busy” and “someone else will do something” about it?!
We’ve “seen” this before…. right before Rome collapsed!