Dem Rep: ‘Nativist, Isolationist Voices’ Are Saying, ‘Send Them All Back’ [Watch]

If people are here illegally draining our resources it is not a crime to say send them back! Give them a hot meal, clean them up and give them a check up but then they go back to where they came from!

What is this nativist babble? Why is it a crime to want to protect the sovereignty of America? No one is being an isolationist in expecting our laws to be enforced and our sovereignty upheld. Only progressives would attack those of us expecting/ demanding the rule of law prevail.

The people coming here are not refugees. Refugees are those escaping war-torn countries, dictatorships, religious persecution etc. Those coming here in the simplest form are escaping a crappy run countries as a result of political corruption! These people are illegal aliens looking to take advantage of the free stuff the dems shovel out at the expense of US tax payers. Thats it that’s why these people are coming here to take advantage of free stuff and our (crumbling) capitalist system.

This country is headed down the dark road. America you have passed one exit after another yet insist on accelerating toward destruction. The reset is coming and deserved at this point. The race baiters, anti-Constitutional, anti-American progressives are in total control because you allowed it. You choose to sit home on election day, or not get involved in protesting, boycotts etc. You choose to be silent when you should speak out. You get angry at status quo but keep those responsible in power. You made this bed now lay in it!