Reid Hammers Republicans for Delay on Border Crisis Funding [Watch]

The day wouldn’t be complete without Dingy Reid blaming the republicans.This border bailout bill will only increase the numbers of illegals rushing the border. There is nothing in the bill to stop the glow of illegals coming to the US. There is no action coming from anyone in DC to stop the flow only cheap talk and back and forth finger-pointing.

The US is broke we don’t have the money to care for our own veterans and homeless. What about the kids and Americans down and out who are citizens that could use a bailout? Reid and the socialist party do not care about and want the American taxpayers to be on the hook to provide legal counsel, judges, housing etc for illegals coming into the US through this bill. There is nothing in this bill for any meaningful long-term border security!

The border must be locked down and the bureaucracy behind sending illegals back hoe news to be simplified and accelerated. We are human and compassionate so feed them, clean them up, give them change of clothing and a medical checkup while they are in our care but they should be out of the US in a week, not being shipped to towns and cities. The US cannot care for the children and downtrodden all over the world.

For those wishing to quote the Statue of Liberty inscription you need to remember as the tired, poor and huddled masses came to the US they passed ‘Libby’ and then stopped at Ellis Island to be processed and admitted as LEGAL immigrants with hopes of becoming citizens! It’s disgraceful and misleading how many of you take the inscription out of context to justify people rushing our border are better than than the millions who came to this country legally! Sorry but none of the illegals ARE NOT better than my great grandparents or my father!