McConnell Blames Trump for Provoking Capitol Riot
Mitch McConnells betrayal to 75-85M Americans is now complete as he took to the Senate floor to blame Pres Trump for the Capitol riot. The fact that the FBI has reported those who participated…
Mitch McConnells betrayal to 75-85M Americans is now complete as he took to the Senate floor to blame Pres Trump for the Capitol riot. The fact that the FBI has reported those who participated…
What a worm! Rand Paul backed Mitch McConnell in the primaries because of Mitch’s power and influence with the KY legislature. Why does that matter? KY has/ had a rule that restricted one from being…
Can you hear that? Did you hear that rumbling? That was Benjamin Franklin and the Founders rolling in their graves. Giving up our liberties for a small amount of security will end badly. It is…
“I saw firsthand how a strategy of obstruction was debilitating to our system. I have no desire to engage in that manner..†If anyone believes Reid won’t obstruct votes in the Senate I have some…
Once again the most destructive man in DC (right under obama) is making threats to shut the govt down and blame it on republicans if he doesn’t get his way. The only ones responsible for…
The day wouldn’t be complete without Dingy Reid blaming the republicans.This border bailout bill will only increase the numbers of illegals rushing the border. There is nothing in the bill to stop the glow of…
Thank GOD comprehensive immigration reform didnt go through because the situation would be a 1000x worse if you can imagine that. We are witnessing what happens when obama runs his mouth in 2012, bending…
Seriously Nevada voters is Reid the best you have to represent you? BTW all the economic damage he is doing to the US, that Levin points out Reid is responsible for, is also on YOUR…
Reid knows all about greasy pigs because he is one! I would like to know WHY this monster is on the PEOPLE’S SENATE FLOOR, ON OUR DIME running his mouth with this vile drivel? The…
What a hypocrite! Harry Reid is an evil, vile, vicious, vindictive miserable excuse of a human being. Reid lies and deceives the people as much if not more than obama. Reid is obama’s HENCHMAN ramming…