Sen Session’s is going at this amnesty power grab of obama’s with both guns loaded! Sessions IMO just jumped to the top of the list of true leaders in we the people have left DC. The rebel faction within the GOP is going up against the progressive army hell-bent on getting their new pool of voters. Session’s threat to Congress that they will face Cantor’s fate in November is being nice. If Congress doesn’t stop obama’s power grabs and shuts amnesty completely down we will be looking at major pivot point in the US…that frankly is very concerning. Passing any form of amnesty via legislation or Executive Order will be crossing the line with the American people.
Millions of American citizens are out of work, in poverty, households net worths are down by a third. Prices for everything are on the rise, our rights are being stepped on daily while this president and many in DC have no regard for the Constitution and the rule of law. We know this government doesn’t trust us, fears us and is why it is putting illegal aliens ahead of Americans. This govt has made American citizens into second class citizens with the future plans to legalize illegals creating a new pool of voters to keep progressives in indefinite power.
Sen Sessions has asked for Americans to melt DC’s phone lines, that isn’t enough. Americans both moderate left and right need to put press on local leaders as well as DC and to pay these SOB’s a visit! Where are the marches, boycotts and sit-ins? Tying up the phone line isn’t going to be enough. These monster in DC need to see the angry faces of Americans saying enough and it better be bigger than what you did in protest of obamacare because we know how that went!
Get active America before any chance of saving the Republic is lost…