Mexico is allowing 10’s of thousands of their own and illegals from other nations to cross through their country into the US = breaking their own immigration laws. Mexican military has come across the border over 300 times and even fired on Americans = breaking the law; but this one case they stick to their law?! Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi is being used as a political pawn by Mexico, they clearly are not a friend to the United States, so enough is enough!
1) BOYCOTT MEXICO: do not travel there, buy products made or services from Mexico.. DO NOT HIRE anyone from Mexico either. After all your hard earned dollars that end up in Mexican workers pockets doesn’t stay in the US they send that money back to Mexico.
2) Since their military has no problem crossing the line might I suggest those of you active or retired in the US military (preferably special operations) get together and take a trip down south one night to free the Sgt? Yes I am in fact calling for a rogue operation by the US military to RESCUE an American (one of your own) being held against his will for over 100 days by an enemy of the Untied States.
It’s time Americans start standing up for each other and protest our nation because those charged with this task are too busy building their little kingdoms on our backs!