John Kerry Claims People Are Killing Each Other Because of Climate Change

Now people are killing each other over too much CO2 in the atmosphere?! That is what Kerry is saying…

You have to wonder why these monsters in DC continue to push climate change when it has been proven to be a lie via climate-gate and all the reports that have come out since. Heck Al Gore was proven to be a liar just a view weeks ago as the ice caps are larger than ever when he said years ago they would be gone by now!

How is it the US is expected to be bound by these climate rules but the biggest polluters China & India skip summits? Exactly how are high taxes & regulations destructive to a business or even running companies out of business going to stop this alleged climate change? What caused the last ice age? Better yet where did al the heat come from over 10,000 year ago to melt all that snow and ice? Have we talked about the sun and how its change in temperature will affect the planet? If the Sun gets a fever we’re dead! If the Sun coughs or sneezes we are back in the stone age!

The worst thing about climate fraud is that the data is based on of computer models using manipulated sampling. No one seems to be taking actual data points over the years. The ones that do are dismissed and attacked by radicals. Don’t fall for the lies people. There has been no increase in the temperature in 18 years and don’t forget in the 70’s those saying we’re getting too hot said we would be in an ice age now!

The planet billions of years old goes through natural heating and cooling cycles. If anything we are in a warm cycle which in the scope of time is nothing.