Raise your hand if you are surprised! This radical progressive (aka communist) admin defines corruption and this is yet another indication of the outright distress this nation is in. These progressives have gone above and beyond to hide what happened in Benghazi in which the cover up was cover up of illegal arms deal. This is not conspiratory rhetoric the stories and reports are in the open from all news agencies from Reuters to the New York Times. The regime and those in Congress with their hands covered in blood claim said shipments were to aid rebels. Well who are the rebels? No one knows but it is fascinating how well armed terrorist organizations have become from Libya to Syria and Iraq since 2011!
I’m sure Rep Chaffetz and company will put on another show for us via Congressional hearing and write a few letters condemning this action. If you are expecting to see Clinton or any of her State Dept staff hauled out in handcuffs you will be waiting a long time.
This information coming out now will be forgotten come October/ November 2016 when the nation prepares to go to the voting booths to pick a new president. Hillary will remain unscathed as all elites now do.