The odds of the republicans impeaching obama are very slim. Rep Clyburn claims the republicants are looking for some reason to impeach his majesty so they can “put an asterisk next to this first African-American president in the history…†convicted or not. Well Jimmy that reason will have to be iron-clad for the GOP to initiate the impeachment process because they are all cowards not wanting to touch it with a 50 foot pole! The majority of republicants want no part of it for fears of what impeachment could do to them in 2016. The repubs got beat up in 1998 after Clinton’s impeachment so they have learned their lesson.
Dems goal for 2016 is a repeat of 1998 where repubs thought they would gain 25 seats only to lose 5 running on a platform against the president. But because of that loss the repubs of today will not take the risk even if it puts this nation in danger! They have in fact surrendered the idea of impeaching obama because they are weak and spineless only looking out for themselves.
Of course Clyburn has to inject race into this discussion because dems have nothing left to stand on to defend the worst president in US history. So here is Jimmy’s logic: The GOP is going to risk losing power in the House and Senate so obama will have this “asterisk†next to his name for all of history being the first “African-American president†(which he IS NOT). Thats it… they want the first BIRACIAL president to go down as a failure for the sake of history because based on what he is saying here the GOP are all a bunch of racists! Does anyone not see the insanity from Clyburn??
Here’s the bigger problem with Clyburn, he sees no problem with the imperial emperor usurping the law everyday, he and the radicals in DC encourage it. They want obama to pass amnesty through executive order to push the GOP’s red button regardless of what it will do to the nation! The SNC is egging the boyking on to act on his own violating the law because they know how it will play out politically if the repubs take the bait. This just goes to show you how seditious demoncrats are. They want the law broken, they want Darth Hussein to go off the deep end so they can use it to win power back in 2016!