Dem Rep Cuellar Warns Another Illegal Alien Surge is Coming

Thousands continue to cross the border unreported by the crap media. The volume of illegals coming into the US has not dropped and as Rep Cuellar warns it is going to pick up next year when warm weather returns. Emperor obama’s executive amnesty will be the driving force behind the wave regardless of the guidelines set forth to qualify. New illegals will go to the same sources current illegals are using for fake ID’s, false identities, forged documents etc to acquire any and all paperwork they need to “prove” they have been in the US for 5 years or greater so they can stay. These people by their very nature of coming into the US illegally are dishonest. It is only logical to assume the waves of illegals coming into the US will rise now that obama has defied the American people with his lawless action.

What did Congress do to stop this? Nothing, they passed CRomnibus which will fund obamnesty regardless of DHS funding ending in Feb 2015. There are not enough members in both Houses (2/3’s needed) to push a halt to funding his majesty’s amnesty program. Anything that gets to his desk which interferes with his agenda will be vetoed. The only way to override a veto is with 2/3’s super majority vote which doesn’t exist in Congress. Sure republicans will have control but the majority are progressives who want amnesty as much as the dems.

If you thought the 2014 border rush was bad, 2015 could very well dwarf it thanks to obama.