Dem Rep Hakeem Jeffries Exploits Slain NYPD Cops to Push Gun Control

Rep Jeffries busy dancing on the graves of dead NYPD cops isn’t so bright. In his quest to make the US out to be the bad guys because we have too many guns the stats he uses demonstrate we really don’t have a problem. It is estimated that Americans own 275 million guns owned by 52 million households. There are 330 million people in the US. According to the anti-gun Brady Campaign “More than 108,067 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, or by police intervention” each year. Roughly that is .002% of the US population that is shot, assaulted etc by a gun. The math tells the truth that guns used to commit some form of crime are infinitesimal in the bigger picture, but listening to a gun grabber like Rep Jeffries you would think there is an epidemic and you better get some Kevlar before you go out the door!

The problem is the messaging. When one of these tragic events takes place the left and their propaganda network time and again are successful convincing the American people that life on the streets of America is like the Wild West! The truth is more people die at the hands of doctors, as a result of medical malpractice, than by the barrel of a gun! 443,000 people die each year “from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke” according to the CDC. I could pump stats on here all day long but it won’t matter as long as the media are gun grabbers control the sharing of information. This also means the pro-gun crowd has got to stop preaching to the choir. We have to start using the lefts words against them laying all the facts out to show the uninformed class they are being deceived so their handlers can stay in power.

We don’t need gun control we need information control to get the truth out and stop the lies of progressives.

Dem Rep Hakeem Jeffries Exploits Slain NYPD Cops to Push Gun Control, gun control, death by guns, politicizing cops murdered, garner brown protests, 2 NYPD cops executed, Rep Jeffries, gun facts,