We have next to no allies left as it is no thanks to obama. This Senate Intelligence Committee report due out tomorrow is not going to do any good for the American people. If any American blood is spilled following the release of this report that blood is on the regime as well as members of the Senate Intel Committee. Obama and the dems seem more interested in airing Americas intel programs to the world rather than caring about Americans security. We already know about the enhanced interrogation programs that were in place what is the benefit in airing out anymore details on whatever else was done to keep Americans safe? Obama’s policies have already weakened our intelligence agencies to be effective to collect data. We are scrounging as it is to get data after all the bridges he has burned to date this will make matters worse and it will harm future operations. This is just a continuation of the systematic weakening of our intelligence assets and military. Instead of being in position to prevent another 9/11 actions like this are making another 9/11 more inevitable!