Waaaayyyyy back on July 18th 2014 I posted this warning from Dr Elaina George about how illegal aliens & their children are bringing countless infectious diseases into the US unchecked. Dr George was adamant the spread of infectious diseases (TB, meningitis, swine flu, bacterial pneumonia, scabies, lice etc) would get worse by Fall, becoming a potential epidemic. She cited a warning letter from a school in Md sent home to parents that their children were exposed to an illegal alien student with TB! It only takes one case to start the ball rolling making dozens, hundreds ill. Well here we are in the future and low and behold we now have an outbreak of measles originating from Disneyland California, you know California a sanctuary state for illegal aliens!
- CDC admitted disease imported as states data reveals illegal immigrant links
- Deadly diseases crossing border with illegals
- A Public Health Crisis at the Border
Patient zero has not been identified some suggest it was someone from Europe but most people in civilized countries (not third world) have been immunized. No one can say it was or wasn’t an illegal alien who started this, but fact remains an unknown number of sick illegal aliens (some sick with measles) have entered the US no thanks to obama AND our do nothing Congress!
Apparently the spread of ebola (which the media remains silent on even though cases continue to show up) wasn’t enough to wake people up of the threat the border poses to the country. How many Americans and their children have to get sick, possibly die, until the leadership in this country gets serious about locking down the border and properly screening everyone coming in? We have had two clear warning shots across our bow and from the looks of it we are going to have to take a direct hit for leadership to get serious on border security.
Sadly the direct hit could be something very sinister as I warned waaaay back in 2014. There is nothing and no one saying a terrorist couldn’t infect themselves with a deadly disease like ebola or something airborne like the measles to infect Americans. Terrorists are not stupid they already use their bodies like weapons with suicide bombings, there is nothing to say they won’t literally weaponize their body into a biological bomb! If we can think these threats up so can they, anything is possible.
Don’t hold your breath for anyone in DC to do anything preemptive on the border since they only react to problems and threats. As always we’re on our own…