Dr Elaina George warns illegal aliens with TB, meningitis, swine flu, bacterial pneumonia, scabies and lice are crossing into the US.
This health crisis is one of the primary reasons countless Americans are opposed to illegal aliens waltzing across the border. Any and all politicians and pundits who ignore and dismiss the health crisis threat illegals pose on Americans are enemies of the state. Too harsh a statement? I don’t think so, and your opinion will change if it is your kid, grandchild, niece or nephew or even yourself that comes down with a disease as a result of this influx of illegals.
If we use some simple math where 100 illegals come into the US and 60 are captured that means 40 are on the loose moving among the population. If within that 60 captured say half have some illness that means there is a high probability half of those on the loose have similar illnesses! Do you understand? Now suppose of that 40 that didnt get captured maybe 1-5 are OTM’s and not very nice people who are deliberately carrying a lethal disease headed for a large population to infect. The next thing you know we have a pandemic on our hands.
Yes I am suggesting terrorists could get through and instead of wearing a bomb vest they have turned their body into a biological bomb! So those of you who are pro-amnesty, open borders etc, what is your plan to deal with this threat? Or will you dismiss facts that Americans are already getting sick from illegals and call those opposed racists while you live in ignorance? How dare any of you put myself and my family at risk for your selfish.. foolish beliefs. You all want them here but none of you want them in your home let alone town, hypocrites!