Ya know she has a very good point! Based on what we have seen over the last 6 years do we really want this idiot occupying the white house getting involved in global affairs? Emperor obama has proven time an again he is c compete and total failure. Everything this man has touched is 100% FUBAR! (look it up)
People are asking “why doesn’t the president do something”? Like what make matters worse than they already are? He made it pretty clear he would be flexible for Putin and we are witnessing that. So why ask or expect him to do anything whether it has to do with MH17 being shot down, the border being invaded, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, take action to improve the economy etc? The end results are always the same: ineffective petulant rhetoric or action that causes more problems.
So like Tantaros says let this guy call gay athletes, do press conferences about the faux war on women, ramble about birth control. The emperor is clearly incompetent and detached, and from the way it looks he is in cruise control. The guy doesn’t like the job! Pay attention to what he is saying and how he acts, he should remind you of that kid you knew or co-worker who did just enough to pass or stay employed. He is so arrogant he probably thought the job would be simple like community organizing only to realize the weight of the free world(whats left of it) is on his back.
At this point I have no doubt he is not running the country. His wife is does more and more than likely Valerie Jarrett is the one running the country right now! people haven clue how much power, control and influence she has. This woman is an appointed advisor, she is not a cabinet member yet has her own Secret Service detail! WHY?!
I’m with Andrea, keep this clown away from the global stage before he gets us into a war!