Obama Pushes for More Gun Control at Conf of Mayors Says Not ‘Politicizing’ the Issue

Let me understand this right the victims bodies in Charleston weren’t even cold before this clown called for more gun control and that isn’t politicizing the issue!? Every single time anything bad happens in this country this guy or one of his lackeys runs to a microphone to capitalize off of it. This is typical of a radical progressive preaching do as I say not as I do. They can run their mouths after any event and if you call them out you’re overreacting.

Obama is right these mass killings have become far too common BUT correct me if I’m wrong, there has been an uptick in them ever since he seized control through lies and deception!? If he cares so much why hasn’t he pushed for more gun control with all the killings/ gun crimes in Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore etc? Obama only cares and will make a push for stricter gun laws when there is white on black crimes.

Of course his majesty’s anti-gun rant at the Conference of Mayors wouldn’t be complete without him touting the “90% of Americans support” reform lie. For those unaware this poll he and the gun grabbers cite is a poll conducted by MSNBC for Morning Joe where only 1200 people (MSNBC viewers) were surveyed. Don’t take my word for it see it for yourself here.

We have more than enough laws on the books we don’t need anymore that restrict Americans from protecting themselves. Fact is the reform he wanted passed WOULD NOT HAVE PREVENTED the Charleston massacre! The killer used a pistol and had legal standard capacity magazines for the gun because we learned the killer reloaded several times.

Full speech