We know terrorists are mixing in with refugees. We have a countless number of military, law enforcement and govt officials adamant there is NO WAY to vet these refugees with 100% certainty. Reports continue to come in about many of these refugees are wolves in sheep’s clothing; Paris attack should be warning enough. Yet hardcore, at this point, DANGEROUS progressive leaders from obama to Rep Becerra are insisting the US accept these Syrian refugees. They are attacking/ shaming anyone who disagrees as un-American, a hater etc. Lets be clear these “refugees” are also coming from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and some African nations. The larger problem with these “refugees” is the majority of them are men… fighter age.
No good will come out of shipping in 85,000 muslim refugees to the US when they would be better suited being relocated to a muslim country! America demand leaders like obama, Sec Kerry, Rep Becerra and the like WHY they are not demanding the Saudis, a MUSLIM nation with the money, resources and space to take these people in?! These hypocrites want to bring these people here but you can bet your last dollar the refugees wont be settled in their districts!
Everyone wants the US out of their business yet now expects us to take in people we know HATE US! This is insanity, it is national suicide.