Time is not on terrorists side with govts amping up security and cracking down on terror cells, so Morten Storm warns terrorists will strike soon in the US because the longer they wait the harder it will be to operate.
Storm lived and worked with these people as a double agent for the CIA, so unlike other experts he is one who knows what he is talking about. Storm warns this strike could come in the next 2 weeks on soft-targets as we approach the holiday shopping season (esp with Black Friday coming up) that will provide a high body count. Yes, that means women and children would be casualties as IS does not care who they kill; as they demonstrated in France or with the Russian airliner. Storm went a step further citing quotes from the Hadith (source of guidance on islamic law) that it’s not him or anyone else saying these things. These are the words of Mohammad, the fundamentals of islam IS and other terrorists are following to the letter.
Americans need to be vigilant whether anything happens or not in 2 the next weeks. Terrorists like IS have been clear in their videos they want to destroy America, we cannot let our guard down. They warned France months ago where people took the threat lightly going about their business and they were caught off guard. But he fact remains they issued the warning and followed through. They have again issued threats to Europe and American where they can afford to miss on a strike but we cannot afford to be caught unprepared.
Does that mean you should run to the hills or hide in your bunker? No, but you should be alert when you go out. Take note of emergency exits, places to take cover, have an escape plan should SHTF. If you live in a free-state where you can conceal carry a weapon DO IT! Don’t think about it, don’t talk it over with your spouse start carrying because the police will not be there when you need them! Understand this, you are the first responder in any crisis event, by the time help arrives it could very well be too late.
This death cult wants to terrorize us, make us afraid to come out of our homes and live our lives. We have to show them we do not fear them and if necessary we will fight back!
Even the FBI is concerned:
Stretched FBI braces for Islamic State holiday terror attacks
by John Solomon – The Washington Times
In the wee hours of July 4, FBI counterterrorism agents in the Boston area scrambled to thwart the last of a string of Islamic State terror plots they feared could be conducted during the patriotic holiday or soon after.
Just weeks earlier, an agent and Boston officers had shot and killed an ISIS sympathizer on the same streets, right before he boarded a bus armed with a military-style knife and plans to attack cops and behead a woman.
Now, an undercover operative set up a weapons buy on the streets with a young Massachusetts man, the son of a respected cop but now someone who had been radicalized by the Islamic State. Agents believed he was plotting to shoot or blow up students at an out-of-state campus with bombs laced with Styrofoam, which sticks to skin and worsens the burns…
…With another round of holidays fast approaching in the shadows of last Friday’s Paris attacks, FBI officials on the front lines of the war on terrorism see a new round of threats rising and worry they don’t have all the tools to cope, according to interviews with The Washington Times…more