This is one of the very rare few times I will been agreement with anyone from MSDNC! Everything the Morning Joe crew is saying here about Marco Rubio is true IMO. There is no doubt in my mind Marco is shooting for a VP slot in a Trump regime. Trump is/was for amnesty IF the border is secure, Marco is HUGE on amnesty regardless what he is lying about yesterday, today or a week from now!
Rubio going for VP slot is why, Trump supporters, you are not seeing Trump attack Marco as viciously as he has attacked other candidates. If anything Trump’s surrogates, like Ann Coulter, are the ones who are really savaging Marco on his lies about immigration and other positions.
There is a theory that Trump and Marco are working “together” to take Cruz out because Trump thinks Marco will be easy to beat once Ted is out of the way, meanwhile Rubio thinks he can win(even though he has yet to win a race). This is all speculation, but you cannot deny the fact Trump has always savaged #2 candidate but not this time around! WHY? Well if this theory is true he doesn’t want to beat his running mate up too bad that would scare off supporters. True or not you have to admit it makes a lot of sense.