A lot of fallout over the Cruz speech where many are very upset with how Ted Cruz closed his speech out saying, “….vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom, and to be faithful to the Constitution.” (FYI everyone, EVERYONE incl Donald and his team KNEW what Cruz was going to say.)
That was a pretty clear concise statement Cruz made last night. His speech laid out a clear case against Hillary Clinton but I have one question for Donald Trump and ALL of his surrogates:
Based on your angry even rabid response to Cruz’s speech on tv, facebook and Twitter are you saying you/ Donald Trump WILL NOT defend freedom but more importantly be faithful to the Constitution?!
Based on the reactions over the last 24 hours that is all one is left to believe!
If you believe Trump will be faithful to the Constitution what’s the problem, why the uproar? Cruz’s non-endorsement speech was in fact an endorsement unless you’re saying Donald Trump WILL NOT defend freedom or the Constitution! It’s pretty obvious, if given the opportunity, Hillary Clinton would take a match to the Constitution. Again let’s be clear Cruz’s speech made a clear case AGAINST voting for her.
Please, please Trump camp spare the vicious obama supporter style rants this has to do with the pledge all candidates took and upheld on March 3rd at the Fox debate that Trump renounced March 29th on CNN! Trump also said to CNN Cruz did NOT have to support him. Secondly why would you want an endorsement from “Lyin Ted” an adulterer, whose wife is not attractive and corrupt with big banks, and father who played a role in the Kennedy assassination? Trump is on record saying he doesn’t need conservatives vote, to come back in 4-8 years, so again why the uproar, why would you want an endorsement from such a horrible person?!
Don’t rant, this isn’t rocket science, answer the question: are you saying Donald Trump WILL NOT defend freedom but more importantly be faithful to the Constitution?