First Judge Pirro gives us the evidence and then she puts it all together laying out how Hillary Clinton in fact LIED to the FBI when she met with them. This puts FBI Dir Comey in a tough situation but do not expect him or anyone else in the govt to do anything about FELON Hillary ROTTEN Clinton. After Comey was questioned by Trey Gowdy action should have been taken but nothing came of it. Now with Pirro demonstrating that Clinton lied to the FBI whom Comey said she was truthful, nothing will happen!
You see America the real underlying problem is the US is a Banana Republic.
We have Hillary lying at least 10 times, as Pirro pointed out, obama lying countless times, violates the Constitution and rule of law repeatedly, armed our enemies and most recently paying ransom to Iran which some legal experts argue was criminal in how the it was paid. These are just a fraction of crimes committed by these elitists but there is NO ONE to prosecute them, thus the US being a Banana Republic!
These people are willfully committing crimes and at the least blatantly lying; who will go after them?! Think about it and let this settle in and then you will understand how dire our situation is. Don’t hold your breath for the military to step in either. Top brass is more concerned with holding their position of power and securing their pension than upholding that oath they hold in such high regard!
We’re screwed…