Hillary Clinton: “Why Aren’t I 50pts Ahead” of Trump

Oh Hillary before that’s answered what’s with the yelling? We know we’ve seen the old vids of past Presidents who did it in speeches but many times they did it from true anger and frankly poor PA systems! You do it because you think you sound good, but do you have any idea how stupid you look and sound yelling all the time? Sorry but it doesn’t make you look smarter, serious let alone sound profound or presidential.

Now to your question of why you’re not ahead, I’ll answer that, it’s because you are:

  • a liar
  • a cheater
  • dishonest
  • corrupt
  • fake
  • greedy
  • arrogant thinking you deserve to be POTUS or people owe you
  • an all around despicable excuse for a human being who uses the system, people and your gender to get rich and your way regardless of the people you leave in your wake.