Hypocrite Obama Campaigning for Clinton Attacks Trump Over Constitution

Pot Meet Kettle…

Campaigning for Clinton, Darth Hussein™ all of a sudden becomes a defender of the Constitution! He questions Trumps candidacy citing the Donald doesn’t respect the Constitution after comments he made about the press and wanting to throw Clinton in jail.

Mr ‘I Have a Pen and Phone’ needs to be reminded how he has trampled and usurped the Constitution at every opportunity abusing his power…
– Countless rewrites of obamacare from the imperial throne room
– Multiple Executive Orders issued
   – against the Second Amendment
   – on illegal alien amnesty
– Countless acts bypassing Congress
– Empowered the EPA

plenty more here and here

Someone ought to play this ancient clip of his majesty’s two cents on the Constitution…

The guy needs to shut his mouth, he is a complete and total hypocrite to criticize or attack anyone over the Constitution