Judge Pirro had a bit of a change up this week choosing to get in a few last licks on the Obama’s, more specifically Michelle Obama, after her appearance on Oprah. The soon to be ex-First Lady had the audacity to say ‘we’re feeling what not having hope feels like’ as if she and her socialist/ marxist husband gave a shred of that to this country over the last 8 years!
What hope did the obama’s give the US, as a record number of Americans remain in poverty, on food stamps, the economy has shown no growth or signs of recovery, unemployment sits at Great Depression era level (masked by cooked numbers), our enemies around the world are emboldened making each and every one of us a target etc etc? What is this hope she suggests Americans have when we had to watch Americans get beheaded by ISIS, or the countless ’round the clock coverage after attacks on US soil and police gunned down because they enabled anti-police groups like Blck Lives Matters? Where is this alleged sense of security and hope for those in Benghazi left for dead to coverup illegal gun running to our enemies!? Where is this alleged promise of hope and change? This woman, her husband their family and friends lived like royalty jetting around the world in Air Force One taking lavish vacations, at a cost of $85+ million, on our dime! T
Michelle Obama doesn’t seem to understand that people have been hopeless for 8 years because of the divisive rhetoric from herself, her husband and their ilk. They are so arrogant to believe once they’re out of office the world will crumble when it has been left in shambles no thanks to them! The real hope and change this country will experience is when these two mooches are out of the White House! The stock market and some businesses are already showing signs of real hope knowing they won’t be under the gun. People are already expressing it in their day to day lives because they aren’t afraid to speak their minds as they have during the obama reign of terror.
Progressives are ‘feeling what not having hope feels like’ because their “oppression” over the American people is coming to an end!