Maxine Waters continues her campaign against Pres Trump and VP Pence to convince Americans they’re criminals who should be removed from office!
First off (tired if making this clear)
#1 Collusion is not a crime. There are NO statutes on the books criminalizing anything Waters and her ilk rant about. Those who think otherwise, don’t debate or argue – produce the statute.
#2 POTUS can hire and fire anyone he wants under the Executive Branch that is the authority granted to him under the Constitution. Firing Comey is not obstruction of justice. Colluding with the media to bury the story about the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch that resulted in Comey using Clinton campaign language to call Hillary’s email scandal a “matter” vs investigation, IS and act of obstruction!
Waters as you see is putting all her faith in Mueller’s investigation she states isn’t a witch hunt. But right before she said that she ran through grocery list of situations the unhinged Left is hoping the investigation may uncover so they can impeach Trump and Pence!
Democrats don’t care about the will of voters. They lost an election and since then have been plotting this bloodless coup against Trump. The honestly think the American people will sit by and agree with their rebellion. As pointed out in the Savage piece today, that’s not going to happen. If the modern-day confederacy doesn’t stop this futile attempt to seize power they are going to send this country right into civil war. It’s not an empty threat, I’ve seen the comments from people more or less saying “I’m ready”, “it’s about time”.
Maxine Waters is on record taking the lead to divide this country and unseat POTUS because – she doesn’t like him. She and her kind must be held responsible for any violence that unfolds. Most people on the Right have kept their cool, the problem is the Left for years now has been trying to start a fight. At the rate they’re going they’re going to get it, and a lot of innocent people are going to get hurt, all for what? All because obama was a lousy president that Hillary Clinton was expected to be his successor to carry on his destructive “legacy”.
Think about that, the Left is pushing hard to cause violence in the streets of America because their lousy candidate lost an election and they think when the smoke clears they’ll be in control!
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best…