Watch Maxine Waters Say Right-Wing Extremists “Want to Kill Me” During Committee Hearing

First things first, the site condemns violence and anyone making death threats against members of Congress and those in govt. The majority of Congress we all can agree are truly deplorable but they have as much right to speak, even the most divisive or hateful, as anyone. That said Maxine Waters pushes the limits and has done everything possible to be one of, if not, the most divisive and hated in Congress, over her constant attacks against Pres Trump but also Americans who support him, including those who stand opposed to the democrats radical agenda.

As she reads through her prepared remarks citing numerous acts of domestic attacks, during the Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance hearing for Combating the Financing of Lone-Wolf and Small-Scale Terrorist Attacks, she deliberately left out the Alexandria attack! An attack carried out by a hardcore Leftist who probably took her, and other divisive Leftists, every word as gospel. This is the shit Leftists, especially her, do that pisses the Right off, so much so she has clearly gotten under the skin of some unhinged loons who threatened her life.

It’s fine to look for solutions in how to deal with radicals but those literally pouring gasoline on the fire, as Waters, need to think twice before asking experts what can be done to stop extremists.