The media is always looking for an angle to be divisive. Why would any “reporter” go out of their way to make this point as CNN’s Jeff Zelany? It’s almost as if it’s a subliminal message of a victory lap. He doesn’t want to say what he really wants to, so he just makes it clear those attending the music festival were “likely Trump supporters”.
The media looks forward to this kind of tragic news, like it’s some twisted payback for Hillary losing. You want to know why America is so divided, this is just another example. The Left can’t help themselves, hate runs through their veins and as I warned just few days ago all that hate would result in another Alexandria (mass shooting) and look what happened!
Now that’s a stretch to say here because the terrorist’s motive is unknown, but right wingers don’t do this.
Most of the mass killings are committed by radical leftists. Yes a few nut-jobs on the right have spilled blood but the Lefty loons are winning this race by a mile.
The rhetoric hasn’t tamped down since Alexandria and it won’t after this with Leftists going after the Second Amendment. So again I’ll say, if those with the power and influence don’t knock it, we’ll have another Alexandra.. Las Vegas!