Judge Pirro’s lays out the case of massive corruption implicating top ranking DOJ and FBI personnel, engaged in a cover-up of the Uranium One deal that put $145M in the Clinton’s pocket.
The same people, McCabe, Mueller and Rosenstein, trying to hang Pres Trump on Russia, Russia, Russia, have their hands deep in cookie jar. Pirro explains how each one played a role with the deal getting approved that made the Clinton’s super rich.
What was in it for them though???
Remember the Left truly believed Clinton had 2016 election locked up, Trump’s win came out of nowhere. There’s no doubt big promises were to these men, promotions and cabinet appointments. The dream never happened and now the same people are involved in a witch hunt to get Trump out of office! Think about it, because the Left really thinks they can still over-turn the election!
“Obama and the Clinton’s sold us out -our uranium and with it the security of our Nation.” Take a look at my #OpeningStatement pic.twitter.com/DA7nWshyxi— Jeanine Pirro (@JudgeJeanine) October 22, 2017
Eric Holder running the DOJ sat on the committee that approved the sale.
Rod Rosenstein got AG Sessions to recuse himself from anything Russia related, which keeps him from taking any action against anyone. He conveniently appoints Bob Mueller, who at the time of the deal was the head of the FBI, now trying to connect Trump to Russia.
Andrew McCabe tasked with investigating Clinton’s email scandal which has gone nowhere.
Needless to say Rosenstein, McCabe, and Mueller need to be fired and put under investigation. Dems can shove their Russia, Russia, Russia wet dream investigation, since it’s DOA when news broke and more so as more evidence comes to surface that it is Hillary, obama and their enablers who need to be investigated for “colluding” with Russian. Granted collusion isn’t a crime, bribery and compromising national security is!
The one person, an informant, who knows what’s going on has been silenced on all of this. He has been silenced under a Holder /Lynch NDA Pirro states is unheard of in the legal field. If Jeff Sessions doesn’t rescind the gag order he should be fired at this point. It’s bad enough Rosenstein convinced him to recuse himself for no reason (mind you he’s not legally bound to do so), to sit back allowing this level of corruption to take place at the expense of nation security is unacceptable for any Attorney General.
When you sit back looking at everything, the picture is clear why all these people are working against Trump. By working against him, they’re trying cover their asses because they don’t have the POTUS they thought they would to protect them when this Clinton pay-to-play, get rich scheme went public!