Dem Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, appearing on MS-13NBC, told Chuck Todd and viewers
“..mark my words there will be an investigation into this. It may be in a subsequent Congress, but you can’t get away with having something like this take place and then have a federal judge perhaps lie about it..”
Democrats have convicted Kavanaugh with no proof other than Christine Blasey Ford’s vague memory, which again she doesn’t know who, what, where or when this alleged attempted rape (Kavanaugh is now rapist bc the GOP doesn’t push back against leftist rhetoric) took place. NO ONE has stepped forward in any of the 6 FBI background checks conducted on Kavanaugh and to this day NO ONE has stepped forward to corroborate Ford’s story.. but Kavanaugh is already guilty to the left.
Whitehouse vowing to launch an investigation, because nobody can “get away with having something like this” (whatever the hell that is) should scare the hell out of every single republican, conservative and TEA Party voter. Going after Kavanaugh isn’t even the tip of the iceberg of the level of abuse of power we will see if these monsters gain control of the House and Senate.
Trump will be impeached, and then Pence (as Maxine Waters spilled the beans) and all of the accomplishments under the Trump admin will be reversed, including whats going on with North Korea. The dems will destroy the ground made to denuclearize them and we will again have to worry about that country building nukes.
The ball is in your court. If you don’t get active, get people registered and out to vote for GOP candidates with a higher turnout than 2016 the democrats are going to take over.