For those living in complete denial or under a rock here’s Joe Biden again defending violent democrat voters in an address to the National Guard Association as he attacked Pres Trump.
Anything this guy says about the violence is political pandering. He KAMMY and the entire democrat party have supported what their voters have been doing across the country. Only now because Fredo and Lemon and polling numbers are not looking good does Dementia Joe now speak out about the violence, and even then he did not call out the groups responsible.
Don’t let any of them fool you, the dems in DC to the media back the riots and violence. They know if they go against it all they’ll lose votes.
Trump and the GOP has been been against it all and have done anything they could to stop it. It’s the democrats who caused it all and encourage it. Remember that election day, because like KAMMY said the riots aren’t going to stop and they shouldn’t!
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