Violent DEMOCRAT VOTERS Intimidate and Harass White People Demanding Solidarity With BLM


Violent PRIVILEGED WHITE DEMOCRAT VOTERS/ HARRIS/biden voters took to the streets of DC harassing, intimidating and demanding white people pledge solidarity with the BLM terrorist movement. Of course anyone who didn’t pledge their fealty to these domestic terrorists will be deemed a nazi, racist and/ or white supremacist.

If you support BLM, you ARE supporting a marxist organization who is hell-bent on the destruction of the nuclear family, defunding if not complete disbanding of law enforcement and the justice system – the end of the USA as we know it.

This is not going to stop until sane rational Americans start standing up to these MONSTERS, bullies really. If KAMMY and dementia Joe win in Nov this will be the norm across America. Go ahead seek out the footage, you will not find either of them, nor any democrat, condemning the violence and these acts of intimidation. If the dems get control these bullies will be emboldened, as a dem win will be a confirmation of support for what they’re doing.

If you want to tell the democrats, media, Hollywood etc you’re done with this bs YOU BETTER VOTE FOR Donald Trump and the GOP down the ballot.