Pelosi Labels Republicans ‘Domestic Enemies… Enemies Of The State’


Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, third in line for the Presidency is calling republicans ‘domestics enemies… enemies of the state.’ This is what the entire Left thinks of each and every one you who votes for Pres Trump and the GOP. What do you think they will do to you if they win the White House and control both houses of Congress? Conservatives, whats left of the TEA Party, numerous groups will be deemed domestic terrorists. They practically did it when darth hussein reigned terror on this country.

Not one word this senile old kook said about the Post Office and election are true. They have plenty of money, no one is suppressing anyone from voting (this LIE is really old and tiring). The Post Office IS NOT election central, this is the same govt entity that loses your mail! If you think your ballot is secure this year then mail yourself $100, $1000… $5000 in cash and let’s see how reliable the mail is! If you want your vote counted you better do it in-person.

Biden will be a figurehead for the real people running the country. Pelosi will draw up the bills that the REAL PRESIDENT, Harris, will gladly sign to go after all of you. The riots, violence, attacks are all teasers of what life will be like if these people get control of DC. This truly is the most important election of our time.

Americans keep raging about Pelosi, but is it enough to get many of those complainers out of the house and into a voting booth Nov 3rd? GOP voters have an incredible tendency to bitch and moan yet NEVER take any action whereas the Left they talk the talk and walk the walk.