Biden Lies About Man Murdered in Portland Suggested He Was “Inciting Response”


Jay Danielson the man murdered in cold-blood in Portland did nothing wrong other than being at the wrong place at the wrong time. There is no evidence he participated in the Trump caravan that drove through Portland, where there were a number of confrontations between Trump supporters and unhinged violent democrats. As a matter of fact Patriot Prayer organizer Joey Gibson said they don’t organize in Portland anymore…

The man who murdered Danielson was caught in videos brandishing a firearm, had a history of trouble and was clearly hunting Trump supporters Aug 25th.

Facts don’t really matter to Joe Biden as he fielded a question on whether police involved in high profile shootings should be criminally charged, and decided to give his two cents on the Portland murder saying “I think what happened in Portland, where a, one of the Trump guys riding along in vans, inciting response, shooting rubber bullets, I guess, or paintballs, apparently there was someone shot by someone in the crowd, with a bullet, killed.”

Danielson was out walking, not riding in a van, with a friend when he was shot dead in cold blood. He was not engaged in “inciting response,” there was no paintball gun found on his person. These are lies and frankly the former VP of the United States is defaming a man who cannot defend himself.

How anyone can vote for this old PERVERTED kook, is puzzling. People hate Trump so much they blindly back this monster and his VP pick lies or not.

Shame on anyone who votes HARRIS/biden this November.