Election Year Tension Just Shot Up X 1000 – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Died!


RBG has succumbed to metastatic pancreatic cancer at the age of 87.

The stakes of the 2020 election have just jumped a thousand fold. The democrats will stop at nothing now to win the election, pulling every single trick in the book.. hell rewriting their book of How to Cheat and Steal an Election. You will hear arguments that it isn’t right for Trump to appoint her replacement now in an election year citing the McConnell Rule, BUT what you should know is that “rule” was about when opposing parties control the White House and Senate and a President who was TERMED OUT making an appointment in an election year. Trump is the incumbent which is completely different yet EVERYONE in the media, Left and RINO’s are conflating the two.

Many tv news pundits are praising RBG but frankly she became incredibly divisive in her later years acting more like a political activist than a Justice AND most importantly incredibly selfish! Democrats, and correct this site if this is wrong, but obama more or less begged RBG to retire when the democrats held the White House and majority in Congress, but she refused stating in 2014 “If I resign any time this year, [obama] could not successfully appoint anyone I would like to see in the court.”

RBG’s death will put more pressure on the powder keg thats about ready to go off as it is. Her death is like lighting a fire under that powder keg now truly making this election the biggest fight of Donald Trump’s life and the American people’s!

This is truly unprecedented, that could very well guarantee the armed conflict many feel is coming will in fact happen.

RBG’s family and friends are hurting right row and to rail on her is not done intentionally, but shame on her for not retiring when she should have. She has put this country in great danger….. and SHAME on all of us for putting far too much faith and power in the Supreme Court – it’s time to talk term limits for Justices.

The 2020 election now comes down to:
Vote for Trump/Pence = law and order, world peace, prosperity, America first restoring economic, political and military power, being that shining city upon a hill again and nominating Constitutional originalists to SCOTUS


Vote HARRIS/biden = lawlessness, hate, division, erosion of rights (esp Second Amendment) as we’ve seen under the lockdown under dem controlled cities and states, US economic, political and military power ceded to China, Russia, and our enemies and appointing unqualified political activists to SCOTUS who see the Constitution as something out of date and irrelevant.

Now choose.