NY Gestapo Arrest Bar Owner Over Lockdown Orders


Der Führer Killer Cuomo sent his Gestapo loyalists to Mac’s Public House, to enforce his executive lockdown order. They proceeded to arrest the owner, Danny Presti, for violating the orders and operating the bar as an ‘autonomous zone!’ To make matters worse these BAD COPS also cited four employees with apprx $5K in summons AND his attorney was hit with 4 summons too!

Here is co-owner Keith McAlarney just the night before defending their decision to defy Cuomo’s orders.

For the record executive orders ARE NOT laws, so hopefully the tables will be flipped on Cuomo, deBlasio and all the other radical Leftists running businesses and the US economy into the ground over this non-lethal bug. Any cop/sheriff who enforces these illegal unconstitutional orders understand this YOU ARE A BAD COP, no one wants to hear your bs “I’m just doing my job,” SCREW YOU!

Had enough yet America? It is TIME to stand up to these tyrants. They have weaponized this new strain of flu, no more lethal than the seasonal flu to relatively healthy people, to wreck the US economy, install tyrannical policies AND STEAL THE PRESIDENCY!

We’re there……. Lock ‘n Load