Facebook is completely out of control with their “fact-checkers” (who are hardcore progressives) attacking ANYTHING anyone posts against their overlords in govt. Presley, Harris, Waters and Pelosi are all correctly quoted in this meme, they mean exactly what they’re saying, it is not missing context and you can hear it from their own mouths so there is no question what they said!
My advice to those posting memes with quotes – DON’T DO IT! STOP SHARING memes, share the video and ram it down anyone who says it’s not true throat. 99% of the content you find on this site is video so there is no question to what these monsters on the Left are saying.
Hey THANK YOU Republican Party so much for CHOOSING to not do anything about Big Tech’s abuse for years. You KNOW this garbage is going on yet chose not to take action other than holding useless hearings for vid clips to use campaigning, issue fiery rants on social media to gain followers and advertise for yourselves, while also appearing on Fox News ranting and raving for the extra point!
And you people wonder why there is a major exodus from the GOP since Nov 4th and Jan 6th.