Sen Ted Cruz appeared on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo where this footage was first aired showing a illegitimate regime official attempting to block him from filming the horrendous INHUMANE conditions inside of the Donna, TX, CBP facility.
How far is Joe Biden going to stop the American people from seeing inside the Donna CBP facility?
Biden sent a political operative from DC to block our cameras and even threatened another senator to obstruct legitimate congressional oversight.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 28, 2021
‘Please give dignity to the people.
Please respect the people, the rules.
Please respect the rules, and give the people dignity and respect, that’s all we ask, dignity and respect.
Please give dignity and respect to the people. I ask you, I respectfully ask you sir with full-hearted, full-heartedly I ask you please respect the people. This is not a zoo sir, please don’t treat the people as such. Please don’t treat the people like this that’s all I ask of you sir… that’s all I ask you.
I ask you to please respect the people, give them dignity and respect… we all want to fix this sir, we don’t want this to happen anymore.
Please respect the people with dignity and respect sir.
I am respecting you, I am respecting the people.’
Clearly the Xiden regime wants these people to have dignity and respect, well what the hell do you call what this admin is doing to these people? Is this dignity and respect? Why is this admin allowing THOUSANDS across our border who are then held in detention centers under absolute horrendous conditions DURING A PANDEMIC? A pandemic the LEFT tells us is the most deadliest pandemic we have seen over 100 years! Is the Xiden regime showing dignity and respect as their words and violations of the US immigration law has been like a massive does of steroids to the human trafficking SEX TRAFFICKING and sexual abuse of minors!?
This democrat party controlled govt is exploiting these people for power, control and the fundamental transformation (destruction) of the US!
ANYONE who supports and especially voted for the democrats and this admin OWNS this disaster. Pres Trump did not cause this, his policies and actions, which were in fact upholding US immigration law, prevented it. Joe Biden and his handlers (Jarrett-obama-Rice) wanted this the moment they rescinded the Trump admins policies. Biden said repeatedly he will protect illegals and that they are welcome here.
Illegals are telling actual reporters, investigators and Congressional officials they’re coming here because of Biden, and looking for work. No mention of them being persecuted over their race, gender, religious or political beliefs etc aka ALL THE LEGIT REASONS for one to claim asylum. They’re just coming here because of Biden (obama’s third term), and the desire to make more money.
This country is being invaded right now and the party in control of everything is allowing it. That said keep in mind it is estimated that for every one or two illegals captured, coming from every corner of the planet including shitholes who HATE the United States, 2-4 get through… DO THE MATH!
Gonna close this with two points:
WHEN there is a large spike in covid cases in areas where these illegal aliens are being held, moved and released and W H E N this country gets hit again by terrorists because of the open border policy (FYI cartels work w/terror groups (Hamas, Hezbollah have been active in Mexico for YEARS)) JOE BIDEN, KAMALA HARRIS, THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY AND THEIR VOTERS/SUPPORTERS(THAT ALSO MEANS HOLLYWOOD, PROF ATHLETES, MEDIA) ARE 100% RESPONSIBLE.